Pieza del mes, Abril 2021 : Surcos Horizontales
🔹Símbolos Textiles : En la indumentaria y en los diversos tejidos que usan los mayas de Guatemala en su vida cotidiana, festiva y ceremonial, se codifican símbolos tradicionales. Reflejan su memoria colectiva, caudal de riqueza intangible que brota de las entrañas de su cultura. (Barbara Knoke de Arathoon, Símbolos Que Se Siembran) 📖
Piece of the month, April 2021: Horizontal Furrows
🔹Textile Symbols: Traditional symbols are codified in the clothing and weaving used by the Guatemalan Maya in their everyday and ceremonial life. They reflect their collective memory, a fountain of untold riches that spring from the depths of their culture. (Barbara Knoke de Arathoon, Sown Symbols) 📖